Hey! Another update.
Since many of my friends had already listed/wrote down their new year resolutions and reflections, I shall list down mine too.
2009 - New year resolutions:
1) To become a better person overall and most importantly, in terms of characteristics.
2) To excel in year 1 studies (be it in JC/Poly, the former sounds impossible to enter though.. sighs. *sudden thought of O levels EL)
3) To manage financial spendings! Seriously.
4) To maintain good relations with my friends.. You guys are great. Haha.
5) And lastly.. to stop immatured acts (ehhhhhhh not as in on purpose acts k... I can never deny my heart is young! LOL omg this statement will surely cause people to puke la. -_-) and grow up. Yah.
OK, my 2008 reflections.
As a person - I think it's pretty neutral. I cannot deny the fact that at moments, I did made people sulk and think that I'm an/a (whatever nasty adjective you can use). And yeah, I realise I did mature.. I would deeply consider acts which I would do when I was 14/15. Hmm, emotionally i've also realised I became more varied? Instead of always sulking and being "emo" (NOTE: contradiction - I did mention in one of my blog posts that being "emo" doesn't always mean sad... but w/e.), I actually started to joke more.. even with friends whom aren't that close to me? And in turn I become much more joyful and happier! :D
My social relations - As mentioned, I've started talking more with people whom I don't really know well? Hmm. Being part of Inno and some other trips had made me appeared more friendly when I converse with strangers I guess. And friends-wise, I'm glad I found a clique which I belong in! For soccer-mates, I'm also glad they never put me harshly down when I really played poorly or whatsoever. I await the days whereby I can play soccer with you all again. Haha.
Knowledge-wise - Ehhhhh nevermind about books. Being overseas had certainly widened my knowledge-horizons about the world? Especially China? Haha. Yeah, work had also taught me how to deal with people.
I guess that's all... I can't think well now. :/ I felt like I left out a lot of things I want to say.. But blah.. nevermind.. no one really read finish the whole thing anyway. RIGHT?! Hahaha. :P
To end my last post on 2008, I would seriously like to express my gratitudes for my family for providing me support in all forms whenever I'm like in deep-troubles, for my friends who never gave me up despite me being a really bad friend at times, for the HYSS Teaching staff for being there for me whenever I had questions in my studies and for everyone who had been reading this blog! :D Thanks a lot. I'm sorry if I left out any catagories.... whoever the case, thanks, thanks and more thanks.
4e2'o8, 2e3'o6, meet up anytime soon yeah? And oh yeah! PPS 6-5'o4 too! :D TIME FLIES.
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